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Marques da Costa, E., Palma, P. (2012) Serviços de Interesse Geral no contexto Europeu: Desigualdades vs Coesão, Actas do XIII Colóquio Ibérico da Geografia, APG, 24-27 Outubro, Santiago de Compostela.
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Marques da Costa, E.; Pedro, A.; Mello-Théry, N.; Théry,H.(2011) Perception of Europe in the world by Portuguese and Brazilian graduated students– does mental barriers exists? Europe seen from here and elsewhere, Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe, Rouen, pp.150-154.
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Marques da Costa, E.; Louro, A. (2010) Mobility in daily life – two case studies in LMA. CITTA – 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research, Bringing city form back into planning, CD-ROM; FE-U.P., Porto, pp. 1 – 18.
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Padeiro, M. (2010) Polarisation sociale sélective autour des lignes prolongées du métro parisien. ASRDLF/AISRe Congress, Aosta, Italy, September 2010, Aosta, Italy, pp. 1 – 11.
Padeiro, M. (2010) Transport axis and selective households polarization : the case of the underground lines in the Parisian suburbs. 12th WCTR - World Conference on Transport Research, Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 1 – 22.
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