Key note speakers - Andreas Faludi - The territorial dimension of the EU Cohesion Policy - Presentation - Jacek Zaucha - Implementing the Territorial Agenda and the ESDP - Presentation - Kai Böhme - Assessing terrritorial impacts at various spatial levels - Presentation - Maria Prezioso - Perspectives for achieving Territorial Cohesion in Europe - Presentation - Wolfgang Petzold - The role of regions in EU cohesion policy - Presentation
Speakers of Sessions - Arno van der Zwet - Macro-regions and the European Union: the Role of Cohesion Policy - Presentation - Abstract - Attila Korompai - Territorial disparities and cohesion: cohesion policy in the trap of measuring - Presentation - Abstract - Dorota Kamrowska-Zaluska and Hanna Obracht-Prondz Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) based instrument: stimulating intercommunal cooperation in Pomerania region - Presentation - Abstract - Estelle Evrard - The EGTC: Towards a supraregional level of governance? Case study: Greater Region SaarLorLux - Presentation - Abstract - Gergő Medve-Bálint - Biased Territorial Distribution of the Structural Funds in East Central Europe - Presentation - Abstract - Gianluigi Coppola, Sergio Destefanis, Giorgia Marinuzzi, Walter Tortorella - The Beveridge Curve in the OECD. Before and After the Great Recession - Presentation -Abstract - Helen Caraveli and Asimina Christoforou - The LEADER programme as a vehicle in promoting social capital in rural regions: a review of the literature and the greek paradigm - Presentation - Abstract - Jiannis Kaucic and Stephanie Essig - Assessing territorial impact at various spatial levels: contributions from ESPON TIA -Presentation - Abstract - Judit Kalman - Public and Private Resources for Regional Development in the Least-Developed, Most Deprived Micro-Regions in Hungary -Presentation - Abstract - Marta Jacuniak-Suda, Jörg Knieling, Andreas Obersteg - The contribution of urban-rural partnerships to territorial cohesion: results of INTERREG IVC URMA- Presentation - Abstract - Madalena Fonseca and Sérgio Telésforo - 30 years of EU Regional Policy: Southern Europe at a Glance - Presentation - Abstract - Martijn De Bruijn - Europe 2020 Strategy and territorial cohesion: a closer look at the system - Presentation - Abstract - Mert Kompil et al - Projecting Land Cover and Population Based Changes in Urban Areas using an EU-WIDE dynamic population and land use allocation model - Abstract - Naja Marot and Mojca Golobič - Territorial impact assessment: an approach to improve the vertical and horizontal integration of EU policies - Presentation - Abstract - Nicola Brignani, Andrea Gramillano, Roberto Palloni, Arta Preku - EUSAIR as an opportunity for territorial cohesion in Europe - Presentation - Abstract - Paolo Angelini, Luca Cetara, Serena D’Ambrogi, Maria Teresa Idone - Multi‐level governance of spatial planning for ecological connectivity in the Alpine region - Presentation - Abstract - Pedro Guimarães - Assessing the effectiveness of Portuguese retail modernization public programmes - Presentation - Abstract - Ugo Fratesi - Impact Assessment of European Cohesion Policy: theoretical and empirical issues - Presentation - Abstract - Vincent O’Connell and Reinhard Henke - Mind the Gap – The Peri-Urban within Territorial and Cohesion Policy: The Missing Imperative - Presentation - Abstract